By Kixeye CM SWAG 
Greetings Captains, 

Over the past few weeks the crew of the Battle Pirates development team have been killing themselves working on the most massive update to the game yet. While we can’t let the cat out of the bag just yet, this update is going to push Battle Pirates to the next level and I’m glad you’re all going to be here to see it.

We are anticipating the release of this update sometime this week. And yes, you can bet that your buddy SWAG will have a video ready to showcase it. I predict that those of you with video capturing software will also want to get in on the action.

See you again very soon! 
Jordan Haugh
5/16/2012 02:16:16 am

Does anyone know what this update will be? I have heard there will be a forsaken dreadnought and the alliance system but if anyone know it would be appreciated If u shared it with the rest of us

Ashley Moore
5/16/2012 03:28:17 am

I see at the top of the load page for BP that the game will be unavailable starting at 10 am pst for the game update. When will the update be finished?

Brother of Odin
5/16/2012 04:48:36 am

I am sure that they will put the alliance system into play; but I just hope they add some more ships, armor, and weapons. COME ON KIXEYE!!!! I'm ready for it!! Make it good!! The game rocks as is. Just come correct my fellow tech wizards.

[]Deace [] ||\|| The name of society survival...ô¿ô


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